Consult by sport
Baseball Rank of Baseball teams:
Vote for your favorite team.This is the rank of user votes.
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Page 1
19 votes
Los Angeles Angels
(United States)
18 votes
Miami Marlins
(United States)
15 votes
New York Yankees
(United States)
15 votes
Boston Red Sox
(United States)
15 votes
San Diego Padres
(United States)
12 votes
Toronto Blue Jays
(United States)
12 votes
Colorado Rockies
(United States)
11 votes
Chicago Cubs
(United States)
11 votes
Tampa Bay Rays
(United States)
10 votes
Los Angeles Dodgers
(United States)
10 votes
Texas Rangers
(United States)
10 votes
Arizona Diamondbacks
(United States)
9 votes
Milwaukee Brewers
(United States)
8 votes
St. Louis Cardinals
(United States)
8 votes
Pittsburgh Pirates
(United States)
8 votes
Minnesota Twins
(United States)
8 votes
Houston Astros
(United States)
7 votes
Atlanta Braves
(United States)
7 votes
Baltimore Orioles
(United States)
7 votes
Philadelphia Phillies
(United States)
6 votes
Cincinnati Reds
(United States)
6 votes
Kansas City Royals
(United States)
5 votes
Oakland Athletics
(United States)
5 votes
Detroit Tigers
(United States)
5 votes
Cleveland Guardians
(United States)
4 votes
San Francisco Giants
(United States)
4 votes
Chicago White Sox
(United States)
4 votes
New York Mets
(United States)
Do you miss any team? Let me know by sending an email to:
Votes for this sport: 259 (total 4.724)